Department: Flood Control District
Department Head/Elected Official: Tina Petersen, Ph.D., P.E., Executive Director
Regular or Supplemental RCA: Regular RCA
Type of Request: Financial Authorization
Project ID (if applicable): N/A
Vendor/Entity Legal Name (if applicable): N/A
MWDBE Contracted Goal (if applicable): N/A
MWDBE Current Participation (if applicable): N/A
Justification for 0% MWDBE Participation Goal: N/A - Goal not applicable to request
Request Summary (Agenda Caption):
Request for approval to use the department's procurement card (P-Card) and/or reimburse personnel for expenses incurred for various county functions, events, meetings, presentations, conferences, and activities in an amount not to exceed $20,000 for the period of October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2025.
Background and Discussion:
Expected Impact:
Due to the Flood Control District increase volume of governmental grants/funding opportunities and required functions/training/events/meetings/activities to fulfill these obligations, the use of the Flood Control District P-Card will allow the Flood Control District to process these reimbursements more efficiently.
Alternative Options:
No other recommended services for this identified need.
Alignment with Goal(s):
_ Justice and Safety
_ Economic Opportunity
_ Housing
_ Public Health
_ Transportation
X Flooding
_ Environment
_ Governance and Customer Service
Prior Court Action (if any):
Agenda Item #
Action Taken
Financial Authorization
Address (if applicable):
Precinct(s): Choose an item.
Fiscal and Personnel Summary
Service Name
4.a.1 - Operation Services
Current Fiscal Year Cost
Annual Fiscal Cost
Recurring Expenses
Funding Sources
Existing Budget
Tax Revenue - FCD
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Total Current Budget
Additional Budget Request (Requires Fiscal Review Request Form)
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