Department: Public Health Services
Department Head/Elected Official: Leah Barton, Interim Executive Director
Regular or Supplemental RCA: Regular RCA
Type of Request: Contract - Award
Project ID (if applicable): N/A
Vendor/Entity Legal Name (if applicable): N/A
MWDBE Contracted Goal (if applicable): N/A
MWDBE Current Participation (if applicable): N/A
Justification for 0% MWDBE Participation Goal: N/A - Goal not applicable to request
Request Summary (Agenda Caption):
Request for approval of a temporary custody agreement with Great Dane Rescue of Southeast Texas to allow the organization to take custody of certain animals needing acute, urgent, veterinary care before the expiration of the three-day hold period mandated by the Harris County Animal Control Regulations.
Background and Discussion:
Section 4 of the Regulations provides that Harris County Veterinary Public Health (HCVPH) impose a 3-day hold period during which time an unclaimed dog may be redeemed by its owner. The Regulations provide that an animal impounded and not redeemed within three working days may be adopted or sold by HCVPH.
Expected Impact:
Impounded sick or injured animals may leave the Harris County Animal Shelter to receive urgent veterinary care, not available in the shelter, prior to the 3-day holding period. This will also free up space in the already crowded facility.
Alternative Options:
If not approved, these sick or injured animals will suffer while waiting until the 3-day period is over before they can leave to receive urgent veterinary care not available in the shelter.
Alignment with Goal(s):
_ Justice and Safety
_ Economic Opportunity
_ Housing
X Public Health
_ Transportation
_ Flooding
_ Environment
_ Governance and Customer Service
Prior Court Action (if any):
Agenda Item #
Action Taken
Address (if applicable): 612 Canino Rd
Precinct(s): Countywide
Fiscal and Personnel Summary
Service Name
Current Fiscal Year Cost
Annual Fis...
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