Department: Flood Control District
Department Head/Elected Official: Tina Petersen, Ph.D., P.E., Executive Director
Regular or Supplemental RCA: Regular RCA
Type of Request: Contract - Renewal
Project ID (if applicable): N/A
Vendor/Entity Legal Name (if applicable): U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District
MWDBE Contracted Goal (if applicable): N/A
MWDBE Current Participation (if applicable): N/A
Justification for 0% MWDBE Participation Goal: N/A - Goal not applicable to request
Request Summary (Agenda Caption):
Request for approval to execute a Real Estate Application for DACW64-7-76-30 easement renewal from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District, for HCFCD Unit T103-00-00 within the Barker Reservoir Watershed (Precinct 4).
Background and Discussion:
This Agreement will allow the Flood Control District to use U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) right-of-way for maintenance activities. The Flood Control District has been granted easements along certain channels within the Addicks Reservoir, Barker Reservoir, and Buffalo Bayou watersheds. This easement renewal with USACE-Galveston will allow the Flood Control District to continue using the right-of-way for maintenance activities. The Flood Control District requests approval to apply for renewal of the easement agreement between the USACE-Galveston and the Flood Control District for access along a reach of channel referred to by the Flood Control District as T103-00-00 within the Barker Reservoir watershed.
Expected Impact:
The Flood Control District will receive a renewed easement agreement which allows for maintenance of the T103-00-00 channel.
Alternative Options:
The alternative would be not to proceed with renewing the easement. The Flood Control District would not have property rights to perform maintenance activities along the channel.
Alignment with Goal(s):
_ Justice and Safety
_ Economic Opportunity
_ Housing
_ Public Health
_ Transportation
X Flooding
_ E...
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