Department: County Engineer
Department Head/Elected Official: Milton Rahman, PhD, P.E., PMP, CFM, ENV SP, County Engineer
Regular or Supplemental RCA: Regular RCA
Type of Request: Utility Agreement
Project ID (if applicable): UPIN 21090MF22E01
Vendor/Entity Legal Name (if applicable): Enterprise Crude Pipeline LLC.
MWDBE Contracted Goal (if applicable): N/A
MWDBE Current Participation (if applicable): N/A
Justification for 0% MWDBE Participation Goal: N/A - Goal not applicable to request
Request Summary (Agenda Caption):
Request for approval to execute a Utility Agreement with Enterprise Crude Pipeline LLC., in the amount of $189,220 in connection with E132-00-00 Mitigation Project - 2020, UPIN 21090MF22E01, Precinct 3.
Background and Discussion:
The E132-00-00 Mitigation project is located in Northwest Harris County in Precinct 3. More specifically, it lies to the Southwest intersection of N Eldridge Parkway and Cypress North Houston Road. E132-00-00 is a HCFCD drainage channel, a tributary of White Oak Bayou (E100-00-00) and serves as one of the outfall systems for the subdivisions of Bernadine Estates, Barwood, Tower Oaks and Tower Oaks Meadows. The scope of work for this utility agreement includes excavating and removing 220 feet of the abandoned 8" LID C59 pipeline where it crosses over E132-00-00 channel. The removal work is being performed to accommodate the widening of the channel.
Expected Impact:
This project seeks to reduce flood risk and strengthen resiliency in Harris County by assisting in the alleviation of structural flood damage to homes in the community. This utility agreement is a step in the process to reduce the financial, physical, and emotional burden flood damage places on homeowners and will reduce the financial impact of recovery costs to the E132-00-00 Mitigation Project area, Harris County, and FEMA. The fiscal impact for this project will come from the 1080 Fund for the Recovery and Resiliency Division subdivisi...
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