Department: Public Health Services
Department Head/Elected Official: Barbie L. Robinson, MPP, JD, CHC - Executive Director
Regular or Supplemental RCA: Regular RCA
Type of Request: Grant
Project ID (if applicable):
Vendor/Entity Legal Name (if applicable): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
MWDBE Contracted Goal (if applicable):
MWDBE Current Participation (if applicable):
Justification for 0% MWDBE Participation Goal: N/A - Goal not applicable to request
Request Summary (Agenda Caption):
Request by Public Health Services for approval to submit an application to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for grant funds in the amount of $375,000, with no required match, for the FY 24 Strategic Prevention Framework-Partnerships for Success Program.
Background and Discussion:
The purpose of the FY2024 Strategic Prevention Framework grant opportunity is to help reduce the onset and progression of substance misuse and its related problems by supporting the development and delivery of community-based substance misuse prevention and mental health promotion services. The program is intended to expand and strengthen the capacity of local community prevention providers to implement evidence-based prevention programs to strengthen state and community-level prevention capacity to identify and address local substance use prevention concerns, such as underage drinking, marijuana, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, opioids, methamphetamine, and heroin.
Expected Impact:
By receiving SAMHSA Strategic Prevention Framework funds, HCPH will be able to utilize data from the previously awarded Overdose Data to Action (ODA2) grant from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to help shape the development and implementation of strategies to prevent the misuse of substances in underserved sub-populations of the county. These prevention strategies will prevent the misuse of substances and promote mental health and well-being in our community. A...
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