Department: County Engineer
Department Head/Elected Official: Milton Rahman, PhD, P.E., PMP, CFM, County Engineer
Regular or Supplemental RCA: Regular RCA
Type of Request: Plat/Replat
Project ID (if applicable):
Vendor/Entity Legal Name (if applicable): HUTCHISON & ASSOCIATES
MWDBE Contracted Goal (if applicable): N/A
MWDBE Current Participation (if applicable): N/A
Justification for 0% MWDBE Participation Goal: N/A - Goal not applicable to request
Request Summary (Agenda Caption):
Request for approval of plat Second Wind Coastal Properties LLC Partial Replat Out Of Highland Woods Section 2 And Map Of Highlands Terrace. Consultant, HUTCHISON & ASSOCIATES, Precinct 3.
Background and Discussion:
This plat has been reviewed by the Harris County Engineering Department and the applicant has completed all statutory and Harris County requirements. The County Engineer recommends the approval of this plat in accordance with TX Local Government Code 232.002 which states the Commissioners' Court must approve plats in unincorporated areas of Harris County before it can be filed with the County Clerk.
Expected Impact:
This approval will ensure that development in unincorporated areas will not pose a threat to the safety and welfare of the public as prescribed by Commissioners Court
Alternative Options:
Should Commissioners' Court elect not approve this plat, a written statement detailing the reasons for disapproval per TX Local Government Code 232.0028 will be required. This statement must include a citation to the law, including statute or order that is the basis of the disapproval; and may not be arbitrary.
Alignment with Goal(s):
_ Justice and Safety
X Economic Opportunity
_ Housing
_ Public Health
_ Transportation
_ Flooding
_ Environment
_ Governance and Customer Service
Prior Court Action (if any):
Agenda Item #
Action Taken
Address (if applicable):
Precinct(s): Precinct 3
Fiscal and Personnel Summary
Service Name
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