Department: Flood Control District
Department Head/Elected Official: Tina Petersen, Ph.D., P.E., Executive Director
Regular or Supplemental RCA: Regular RCA
Type of Request: Contract - Amendment
Project ID (if applicable): N/A
Vendor/Entity Legal Name (if applicable): N/A
MWDBE Contracted Goal (if applicable): N/A
MWDBE Current Participation (if applicable): N/A
Justification for 0% MWDBE Participation Goal: N/A - Goal not applicable to request
Request Summary (Agenda Caption):
Request for approval of an amendment to the multi-department interlocal agreement with Harris County in the amount of $6,022,928.29 for various services provided to the Flood Control District in FY2025.
Background and Discussion:
The Flood Control District seeks approval of an amendment to its multi-department interlocal agreement with Harris County in the amount of $6,022,928.29 for various services.
The Flood Control District entered into an interlocal agreement with Harris County on December 5, 2023 (Agreement 2023-30) to engage multiple County departments for various services including Property Acquisition, Security, Law Enforcement, Fleet, Information Technology, Legal, Wage Rate Compliance, Fire Marshall's Office, and Housing & Community Development. This agreement replaced individual agreements providing all these services in the past.
The amendment to the interlocal agreement with Harris County is based on services provided in FY2024 and agreed changes in scope for FY2025. The scope of services for FY2025 amounts to $6,022,928.29 in funds payable to Harris County. The total amount includes the following for each service in FY2025: Property Acquisition ($668,750.00), Law Enforcement and Security ($496,400.00), Information Technology ($3,350,862.00), Fleet ($544,886.00), Legal ($700,000.00), and Wage Rate Compliance ($262,030.29). There are no charges for the Fire Marshall's Office and Housing & Community Development.
Expected Impact:
This ILA is the govern...
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