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File #: 25-0503    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Contract - Award Status: Passed
File created: 1/9/2025 In control: Commissioners Court
On agenda: 1/23/2025 Final action: 1/23/2025
Title: Request for approval of an award on the basis of low bid to Environmental Allies, LLC in the amount of $2,655,657 for road reconstruction of Blackhawk Blvd from Scarsdale Blvd to South Sam Houston Parkway East for Precinct 2, and for the County Clerk to execute any applicable bonds to be received (240373), MWBE Contracted Goal: 32.17%.

Primary Department: Purchasing

Primary Department Head/Elected Official: Paige McInnis


Secondary Department: Commissioner, Precinct 2

Secondary Department Head/Elected Official: Adrian Garcia


Regular or Supplemental RCA: Regular RCA

Type of Request: Contract - Award


Project ID (if applicable): 240373

Vendor/Entity Legal Name (if applicable): Environmental Allies, LLC


MWBE Contracted Goal (if applicable): 32.17%

MWBE Current Participation (if applicable):

Justification for 0% MWBE Participation Goal:  N/A - Goal is not 0% and is listed above


Grant Indirect Costs Rate (if applicable):

Justification for 0% Grant Indirect Costs Rate (if applicable): Choose an item.


Request Summary (Agenda Caption):


Request for approval of an award on the basis of low bid to Environmental Allies, LLC in the amount of $2,655,657 for road reconstruction of Blackhawk Blvd from Scarsdale Blvd to South Sam Houston Parkway East for Precinct 2, and for the County Clerk to execute any applicable bonds to be received (240373), MWBE Contracted Goal: 32.17%.



Background and Discussion:

The project, located in Harris County, Precinct 2, includes approximately 12,355 linear feet of improvements to Blackhawk Boulevard, stretching from Scarsdale Boulevard to South Sam Houston Parkway East. The project includes construction of new sidewalks on both sides of the roadway, removal and reconstruction of damaged roadway pavement, installation of new curb ramps at street crossings, removal, and replacement of driveway pavement for sidewalk crossings, adjustments to manholes and other utility elements and application of new pavement markings for the entire project.


Expected Impact:

This project aims to enhance traffic safety and mobility by improving roadway pavement conditions, enhancing the pedestrian realm and driveways, and promoting pedestrian and bicyclist mobility. The goal is to create a pedestrian-friendly environment by improving overall public access.



Alternative Options:

If no action is taken, the project may experience delays in improving mobility in the area.


County Strategic Plan Goal:  2. Connect our community with safe, reliable, equitably distributed, and well-maintained infrastructure.

County Strategic Plan Objective: F: Ensure safety and security for all using the county’s transportation network in alignment with the County’s Vision Zero plan.

Justice/Safety Initiative (Goal 1):  N/A

Infrastructure Initiative (Goal 2):  G1: Expand pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure on County-managed roads,

Economy Initiative (Goal 3): N/A

Health Initiative (Goal 4): N/A

Climate/Resilience Initiative (Goal 5): N/A

Housing Initiative (Goal 6): N/A


Additional notes related to the Strategic Plan: N/A


Prior Court Action (if any):


Agenda Item #

Action Taken


43 (22-6799)

Approval to negotiate with B2Z Engineering, LLC for Professional Engineering Services related to the reconstruction of the Existing Roadway and related improvements along Blackhawk Boulevard from South Sam Houston Parkway East to Scarsdale Boulevard, UPIN 23102MF2UN01, Precinct 2.


37 (23-3287)

Request for approval to execute an agreement with B2Z Engineering, LLC in the amount of $436,370.13 for Professional Engineering Services to provide improvements to Blackhawk Boulevard from Scarsdale Boulevard to South Sam Houston Parkway East, UPIN 23102MF2UN01, Precinct 2, MWDBE Contracted Goal 87.71%.



Transmittal by Purchasing of a project scheduled for advertising.


Location: Blackhawk Blvd from Scarsdale Blvd to Sam Houston Pkwy

Address (if applicable): N/A

Precinct(s): Precinct 2


Fiscal and Personnel Summary

Service Name




Current Fiscal Year Cost

Annual Fiscal Cost





Recurring Expenses

Funding Sources


Existing Budget





1070 - Mobility Fund





Choose an item.





Choose an item.





Total Existing Budget





Additional Budget Request (Requires Fiscal Review Request Form)


Choose an item.





Choose an item.





Choose an item.





Total Additional Budget Request





Total Funding Sources





Grants - Proposed Budget (To be filled out by Grants staff only)





No. of Grant Years

Local Match Source - Existing Budget: Choose an item.





Local Match Source - Additional Budget Request: Choose an item.





Grant Funds Applied for/Awarded (Total)





Personnel (Fill out section only if requesting new PCNs)


Current Position Count for Service





Additional Positions Request





Total Personnel






Anticipated Court Date: 1/23/2025

Anticipated Implementation Date (if different from Court date): Click or tap to enter a date.


Emergency/Disaster Recovery Note: Not an emergency, disaster, or COVID-19 related item


Contact(s) name, title, department: Erwin Burden, P.E., CFM, Chief of Engineering and Architectural Services, Office of the County Engineer; Maria Heinzmann, Senior Buyer, Harris County Purchasing


Attachments (if applicable):  Letter